Friday, October 2, 2020

Day Trip to Avalabetta & Gudibanda Fort

Part 1: Avalabetta

As we planned to visit 2 places today, we left home at 5:40 am and reached the parking of Avalabetta around 7 am. By then there were many bikes & cars parked. Vehicles were not allowed till the base, so we had to walk to the base of the hill. However, that was an enjoyable walk with some steps, some rocks & across the hair-pin bend roads and a lot of greenery around.

We started the climb to the temple through the steps. As we proceeded, the view was nice with some nice picturesque locations. In a short time we reached the main temple that was obviously closed at that time. To the left of the temple, there was a way going further to the top. We took that way & thought that it would lead to the main attraction of Avalabetta. But there was another small temple on the top & a huge triangular rock. You can even climb the rock through man-made steps/grips.

We came back to the main temple & when asked about the main attraction, one person told us to go towards the right side of the temple. The path as usual had some great views of the surroundings. It also had a small water body that gave us some good pictures. 

We reached the so called Beak-Rock & there were already people lined up to take pictures. Please see the below pics as there are no words to describe the location. We got our turn for posing pictures as my wife clicked a beautiful picture of my daughter & myself. After spending some time there, we started heading to the base.

On the way back, we had some buttermilk & lemon juice which the local boys were selling. We had some jolly time while coming down clicking pictures & reached the parking around 9:30 am.


One advice is that, to reach as early as possible in order to avoid crowd near the beak-rock.  And beware of monkeys that will snatch & open up your bags, looking for eatables. Better to carry only water. The trek level was so easy that we did it on an empty stomach.




Part 2: Gudibanda Fort


We headed for Gudibanda that is around 20 Kms from Avalabetta. After having breakfast, we reached the Fort base where we couldn’t find a parking spot. So we parked my Beast on the main road that was walk able from the fort.

Again after reaching the base, on seeing a lot of steps, my wife asked us to carry on to climb up as she sat under a tree. As the sun was burning at 10:30 am, we carried 2 bottles of water & started the climb. Initially there were steps, then some rocky path & then followed by steps again. 

However there was shade all along the path that made the climb easier. Cool breeze welcomed us at many places that made us forget the heat. All along the way the view was wonderful.

Finally we reached the top to find the temple. It took around 30 minutes for us to reach the top. I called up my wife & we waved up to her from the top as she could see us from the base. We walked through the perimeter at the top. The view was awesome from all sides. There were many spots to sit & relax at the top. One such group was sleeping in the shade.

After exploring all the places around and taking a few pictures, we started our way down. We reached the base around 12:30 pm and headed back to Bangalore.




Distance travelled:

Bangalore to Avalabetta: 105 Kms

Avalabetta to Gudibanda Fort: 20 Kms

Gudibanda Fort to Bangalore: 105 Kms


Do visit "My WanderLust Experiences" to read my other blogs.



  1. Very nice detailed info about two attractions near Bangalore. Place looks good to visit and especially through your eyes.
    Nice pictures too.

  2. Very well documented.Taking your leads to start planning visit to these places.Nice pics too:)
