Sunday, December 12, 2021

Skandagiri Trek in the Dark...

The day started with my alarm ringing at 1:30 AM. The plan was to leave home by 2 AM & reach the base before 4 AM. But we started by 2:15 AM & reached the parking area by 3:30 AM. We were surprised to see some bikes, cars & a bus already parked there. We found a spot in the parking & parked our car. A lady collected the parking charge immediately. There was a small temple near the parking & to the left end of it we could see a gate closed & locked. We thought that it will be opened only by 4.

As time passed, many more people arrived in buses. As the clock struck 4, the parking lady told everyone that it is open & we could go. It was then known to us as we walked towards the closed gate, our way was just adjacent to the closed gate & that gate belongs to some Ashram. A few meters of walk showed us a sign board to take left to Skandagiri. Following the sign board leads us to the Forest Check Post, where already some 20-25 people were standing inside a guarded gate. The guards were checking for the Online booking ticket & IDs of the first batch of 20 trekkers. 

As the first batch started their trek with their assigned guide, we went for the verification routine. When the count reached some 20, we were assigned a guide & our trek started by 4:15 AM. The Trek Start point was a 5 min. walk from the Check Post along the fence that we followed our guide. Another sign board indicates you at the start of the trek. Me & my friend followed the guide closely for the next 15 mins. As our other batch members were not seen behind, the guide told us both to continue & he will come with them.
The first 30 mins of walk/trek as mentioned above would be piece of cake during the day. But at 4 AM, the scene was entirely different. To start with, there were no lights other than in the parking area & at the Check Post. The path from parking to Check Post was also not lit. Only the cabin at the Check Post had some lights installed. The Toilet complex at the back side of the cabin and also its path didn’t have lights. You have to use mobile/torch even to go to the toilet & inside that also.With the torch light, we could see nothing but the rocky path amidst the vegetation. We could not even see the first batch’s light anywhere for 30-40 mins. We were on our own for the rest of the trek.

Just for Info: Night trekking was not new to both of us as we had trekked the famous Velliangiri Hills in 2020 that took 7 hours to climb & 5 Hrs to descend with a 3-hour nap in a cave at the peak. You can read the full story here: Night trek to Velliangiri...

Around 45 mins into the hills, our clothes became completely wet, due to sweat from inside & the mist from outside. There was so much fog that made us not see the surroundings & the torch lights of other batches. In some time, we could see & cross some of the first batch trekkers. Frankly speaking nobody knows where we are heading. We were just following the path lit by our torch light. Of course there were arrow marks at a few locations that were difficult to spot in the dark even with torch light.

At some places the path was wet due to the water droplets from the trees, that made it slippery. We guessed that it is going to be difficult while coming down. In some time, we came across a stone structure, possible an old fort gate. Later we also saw some abandoned stone pillars, followed by slippery rocks that we climbed.

Waking a few minutes into the fog, finally we reached the top around 6 AM. There was a little bit natural light, but due to the fog, we could not see anything beyond 10 mts. When we reached, there were about 10 people from the first batch.

We took the front row seats on a rock to view the sunrise that was expected anytime. Gradually a lot of people joined us in the next 30 mins. Not less than 150 people arrived there to witness the sunrise. The mist complemented with the cool breeze made the trekkers shiver at the peak. My head was wet due to the mist & I could see water droplets at the hair tips in my hand as if it had rained.

Suddenly a huge roar was made as we witnessed a thin colorful horizontal line in the sky. Everyone were ready with their cameras to take the best shot of the sunrise, so was I. But to our luck, believe it or not, the sun never came out for the next 1 hour. The trek guides left early, maybe they knew this was going to happen.

We were surrounded by the fog in all directions that we could not even see the valley.  Also it was getting difficult to explore at the top due to the fog. There was a small temple & a stone structure where few took some pictures.

Around 8 AM another roar was made as we saw the sun as a white ball. Some even commented that it was the moon. People started going back with their respective trek leaders. Many people had come through some trek/travel agencies.

We waited for majority of the crowd to leave so that we can get down freely. We started the descend by 8 AM with only a countable people left behind. We saw a few coming to the top now and that’s how traffic started in the path where only one person can climb up/down. Still we could not see the surroundings due to the fog. 

We climbed down slowly, sometimes waiting in the queue for the climbers – both ways. At some places, the path was more slippery as expected. I too slipped a couple of times, but somehow managed to balance. We even saw a few people slip, hurt & take rest. 

As we came down, gradually the fog reduced & we could see the beautiful surroundings and particularly the peak. We climbed down taking pictures leisurely without any hurry. Finally, we reached the Check Post around 9:45 AM.

On the way back, we visited the Bhoga Nandishwara Temple from where we could see both the Nandi Hills & the Skandagiri Hills plus some more hills that can be trekked. The temple was crowded than usual and the reason for that was 3 weddings were happening that day in the temple.

Overall, the trek can be classified as moderate due to the slippery surface because of the mist. In summers it would be easier to climb & descend. Another visit to Skandagiri is inevitable in order to view the beautiful sunrise from the peak.
Do carry a torch for a 4 AM trek. And don’t forget to book your tickets in Eco Tourism, otherwise you will not be allowed to trek.
Distance from Bangalore: 70 Kms

For more of my travel stories, do visit “My Wanderlust Experiences”